Inspiration: Consumers consider US Cellular a minor, outdated carrier.
Idea: Bring the Thunder.

If people think of US Cellular at all, it’s unfortunately often along the lines of “oh yeah, I think maybe my grandparents have that? Like a flip phone maybe?” The brand has all the new handsets and current tech, just no one knows about it. To combat this perception in a priority market, we brought next-gen activations to their partnership with the OKC Thunder – we shot content with superstar talent and created custom engagements featuring Augmented Reality photo ops/concourse games and an interactive Virtual Reality experience plus connected with fans via social content and cause-related community efforts.

Connect with Russell Westbrook across “the middle of anywhere” (US Cellular’s campaign) and get closer to the action with VR Pick-a-Dunk starring “Mr. 360” himself, Victor Oladipo…

Connect with Russell Westbrook

VR Pick a Dunk
(Interactive – click and drag to view in VR)

…or follow Rumble the Mascot’s example with an AR Emoji Hunt across a massive photomosaic custom mural that connected with younger consumers…

Random Acts of Rumble Fan Experience

Social Content: Whisper Challenge

…and see how we forged strong local connections with custom social content, Random Acts of Rumble that awarded a once-in-a-lifetime experience and Support Our Court, a campaign that helped communities in need:

Support Our Court Social/CSR Campaign